lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Conventional and Alternative medicine (essay)

¿Alternative or traditional?

First for me conventional medicine is best than alternative this two types of medicine are so diferent and has a difernet type of doctors.

Alternative for my is bad and not serves, some peoples think that it serves, and used, but for other person is horrible say that in Brasil are some doctor of this medicine and pay for him to help and cured.
And the alternative is like in secrecy not in hospitals and have a contact to go to that consultations that are in houses.
And here the doctors have magic waters and some leaves that think that it is good for your helthy, dosen’t have machines.

 The other medicine that are tradicional, the doctor say that are so many types of cured  for example  remedies like pills or antibiotics and syrups.
Other example are that the conventional medicine are in hospitals or consultations. And in internet have the direction and all the contact to go to the hospital.
In this medicine are machines to scann and take radeografy of your body or put plaster, bandages.

Finaly we will conclution that are so many types of medicine and mostly use are traditional 

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